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Envirotubes  Technology offers solutions for two forms of applications:


• Golf Course Ponds

• Residential Developments

• Marinas

• Stormwater Ponds

• Urban Parks & Lakes

• Wetland & Island Reclamation

• Groin Beach Nourishment Construction

• Shoreline Protection

• Corps of Engineers

Our Expert.

Dean Wickoren


The leading expert in dewatering and ENVIROTUBE technology answers the most frequently asked questions.

Ph:    225-273-9600

Fax:   225-273-0440 

TF:    800-848-4500


510 O'Neal Lane Ext   

Baton Rouge, LA USA 70819

DISCLAIMER:  Any statement made herein may not be absolutely complete since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular circumstances or exceptional conditions exist or because of applicable law and/or government regulations. Nothing herein is to be construed as permission or as a recommendation to infringe any patent. 


Envirotubes 2019

Copyright © Industrial Fabrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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