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Frequently Asked Questions Page One


1.  What are the greatest advantages of using an Envirotube for in the water or on the beach structural applications?


 No heavy equipment.  (Mechanical processes are only 10% - 20% as efficient as Envirotubes)


•  Use insitu fill material, no need to haul in sand or rock.


•  Low cost.


•  Stays in place during storm events. 


•  Unlimited size and shape options.

2.  How does the Envirotube work?


The tube creates a permanent or semi-permanent barrier to protect from storm events and or enclose an area to create an island or peninsula. This is done by pacing the Envirotube on a scour apron and filling it with solids.

3.  What do I fill the tubes with?


Sand is best but any material can be used depending on the circumstances.

4.  Do I need a polymer?


Polymer is used on fine grain material or silt, but rarely with sand fill. Use the instructions from the dewatering manual.

5. How do I tell how much to pump into the Envirotube?


With sand, the Envirotube is pumped to the final elevation the first time. With fine grain material, the tube is pumped many times see dewatering manual. The tube will not dewater underwater with fine grain material. The tube will only dewater down to the surface of the water when filled in the water. Sand will dewater when filled under water.


6. Will I need a scour apron?


A scour apron is needed if the tube is applied in moving water or subjected to wave or wake action.

7. How do I fill the void under the fill port?


Please see the instruction manual.



Ph:    225-273-9600

Fax:   225-273-0440 

TF:    800-848-4500


510 O'Neal Lane Ext   

Baton Rouge, LA USA 70819

DISCLAIMER:  Any statement made herein may not be absolutely complete since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular circumstances or exceptional conditions exist or because of applicable law and/or government regulations. Nothing herein is to be construed as permission or as a recommendation to infringe any patent. 


Envirotubes 2019

Copyright © Industrial Fabrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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