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Industrial Fabrics offers many products and solutions that make a difference for the marine structures market. Envirotubes geocontainment technology delivers innovative solutions to their customers. We offer a vast amount of knowledge and expertise to our customers and partners. This support includes the following resources and technical data:



Wetlands Restoration & Protection

Thawlag Scour Protection

Detail A

Detail B



For additional information on the use of Envirotubes geocontainment technology, please contact your Envirotubes  Market Manager. They will be glad to discuss your containment project.

Quick Links

Structural Installation


Step by Step Instructions explaining every aspect of the Structural Installation Process


"Installation of Geotextile Tubes used for Coastal & Riverine Structures


Ph:    225-273-9600

Fax:   225-273-0440 

TF:    800-848-4500


510 O'Neal Lane Ext   

Baton Rouge, LA USA 70819

DISCLAIMER:  Any statement made herein may not be absolutely complete since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular circumstances or exceptional conditions exist or because of applicable law and/or government regulations. Nothing herein is to be construed as permission or as a recommendation to infringe any patent. 


Envirotubes 2019

Copyright © Industrial Fabrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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