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Glossary of Terms

1.    Anchor Tube - Tube on the edge of the scour apron


2.    Capacity - Tube capacity is measured in volume, not weight like tons. Use the tube capacity chart to determine capacity of gallons or CY per linear foot


3.    Core (coring) - Tube within a dyke


4.    Bags - Tubes


5.    Diameter - There is no diameter measurement used with tubes.


6.    Dredging Job - An application that uses a dredge and tube for dewatering. The specifications are written on the dredging, not the tubes. This is more common and much easier than a structural tube job. The tubes are replacing an open settling pond or a mechanical dewatering process. The spec that is sometimes hard to meet on these jobs is the ppm suspended solids on run off water from the tubes (TSS)


7.    Fill Ports - The openings in the tube with sleeves attached for inserting the fill pipe.


8.    Capacity (two types)

          1.   Haul Away Dewatered Cubic Yards - what is left in the tube after all of the water drains out

          2.   In Situ Capacity - cubic yards in the pond before the water is removed


9.    Floating Transporter - a pontoon boat for transporting tubes and scour aprons


10.  DINOSIX - a small portable dredge. 


11.   Gravel Silo - a large funnel used for filling tubes.


12.   Hanging Bag - A small (feed sack size) geotextile bag open on the top with seatbelt handles sewn on for hanging. This bag is  used to determine the shrinkage and some of the dewatering characteristics of the fill material.


13.    Height - The measurement of the tube from the ground it is resting on to the top of the tube. This measurement is important to determine capacity and the pressure load on the tube.


14.    In situ - the sediment "in place" in the water body


15.    Lay Down - installation term used for dewatering tubes


16.    Marsh Buggy - an amphibious vehicle on tracks 


17.    Scour Apron - an apron of geotextile designed to protect the foundation of the main geotextile tube from the undermining effects of scour. In coastal and riverine applications, scour can be present at the base of the main tube, due to wave and current action. There may be aprons on both sides of the main tube, or only on one side. Scour aprons also reduce local erosion and scour caused during the hydraulic filling process of the main tube. Scour aprons are typically anchored by a small tube at the water's edge or by sandbags attached to the apron. 


18.    Socks - Tubes


19.    TSS - Total Suspended Solids


20.    Tube - Geotextile fabric sewn into a closed shape to receive slurry, contain the  solids and release the water.


21.    Tube Structural Job - An application that uses tubes in a structural manner. The tubes stay in place and the specifications are written on the placing and size and shape of the tubes.

Ph:    225-273-9600

Fax:   225-273-0440 

TF:    800-848-4500


510 O'Neal Lane Ext   

Baton Rouge, LA USA 70819

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Envirotubes 2019

Copyright © Industrial Fabrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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